Blog — March 10, 2019

It’s over! The Pathways to Independent Publishing conference is a wrap for 2019. One of the writer’s groups I belong to sponsored the event and it’s been a couple of busy weeks for all of us in the group. We call ourselves Coastal Authors Network (CAN). This was our first conference to sponsor and a learning experience for all of us.

Pathways to Independent Publishing and Beyond

The speakers all received great evaluations from attendees as did the location where we held the event, Caravelle Resort in Myrtle Beach. I participated in one of the panels where I provided information to attendees about all the details involved in publishing your own book. I did have professional editing, but the rest I did on my own. That involved uploading my book to create space (now absorbed into Kindle Direct Publishing), creating my own book cover, modifying e-book format and print formats, uploading to Nook and a million other details.

The hardest part for me as a independent publisher is Marketing. We had a couple of speakers who covered ways to accomplish that and I have to say I learned a lot.

Although we counted it a successful conference we’ve decided to wait for two years before doing it again. Why, you ask? We need to market our group more so we can have a larger attendance. Larger attendance equates to more speakers and larger budget.