Blog — September 15, 2018

I bet you’ve been watching the coverage of Hurricane Florence. Unlikely you’ve been more interested than I have been. I’m currently in Columbia, SC where my husband and I evacuated since we live in the Myrtle Beach area. It’s been harrowing watching all the damage the wind and rain is doing. Praying everyone stays safe. 

While I’ve been sitting in a hotel room I’ve managed to write a bit more on my latest Work in Progress (WIP). Still no name for it. It’s about a young woman living in Oklahoma during the 1915 – 1920 time period. This is a real deviation from my previous writings which are romantic suspense.  My main character’s name is Frances, in honor of my grandmother who was born in Oklahoma in 1890. 

Although it is a fictional story I plan to bring some actual characters into the book who did live in the area at that time. Both my parents and theirs were born and raised in Oklahoma so I have a lot of relatives to draw from.  

Still more research to do. I want this to be as accurate as possible including the dress, activities for young women and what life was like at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.