I survived my cataract surgery and can see better than when I started wearing glasses at eight years old! Wow! What a difference.
I’m in the process of putting my novella, Blue Ridge Mountain Escape, on Amazon, Kindle and Nook. It will be available for sales starting September 22, 2016.
It is another Romantic Suspense. Here’s the description:
Madison Hendricks shatters U.S. Army Ranger Trevor Montgomery’s self-imposed isolation when she knocks on the door of his mountain cabin. Their initial challenge to stay alive switches to tracking down dangerous criminals and bringing them to justice. Growing attraction pulls at both of them even though neither wants or needs the distraction.
The signs of old age have hit. I had cataract surgery this week! I’m writing this post prior to the surgery (and scheduled it to post on August 13) since I was told to read very little for the next two weeks. Yikes! How will I survive?
I put the audible app on my phone and tablet so I can listen to books. Admittedly I’ve been wanting to do some research about audio books so this is forcing me to proceed with said research. I’ll fill you in on what I find out.
Since my second surgery is scheduled for August 24 and the two week restrictions apply to that surgery as well, it might be a few weeks before my next post.
If you’ve had a chance to check out my “Book Signing” tab you’ll see I have a new entry. I’ll be signing books on Friday, August 26, 2016, at O’Keefe’s Irish Pub in Murrells Inlet, SC. The owners have graciously allowed me to be there during their happy hour, 4:00 – 6:00. I’ll be the one wearing the biggest smile! Come join me with a glass of your favorite beverage, a chat and fun times.
As promised, I’ve been working on a novella for release in September 2016. Want to know more?
Madison Hendricks shatters U.S. Army Ranger TrevorMontgomery’s self-imposed isolation when she knocks on the door of his mountain cabin. Their initial challenge to stay alive switches to tracking down dangerous criminals and bringing them to justice. Growing attraction pulls at both of them even though neither wants or needs the distraction.
Wow, this has been an eventful summer so far. Both of my children and their families came for a visit. Each of them were here for a week, overlapping during the Fourth of July weekend. I hope you and your families have enjoyed the summer as well.
After their departure I finished my Novella — Blue Ridge Mountain Escape. I sent if off to my editor on Wednesday. It will be available for purchase in September. In the meantime I’m looking for the perfect cover art. I’ll give you a sneak peak as soon as I locate it!
I’ve had ANOTHER new learning experience this last week. I learned how to publish my book on NOOK. I wanted to provide the option to my readers. Since I completed the publishing via Kindle a few weeks ago I figured NOOK wouldn’t be much different. It wasn’t. However, there are several nuances that had me stumped for a while. Not to worry, I succeeded and it is now available.
You may be wondering what my next project is? Learning how to convert After The Reunion into an Audio book. Stay tuned for how it turns out!
Fourth of July is only a couple of days away! I’m so excited, we will have both our children and their families here at the same time to celebrate. I see a lot of beach time in the near future. We are fortunate to live about five miles from a fantastic beach. I suppose that’s why we have so many visitors. There are lots of other things to do too — golf, miniature golf, water parks, go-carts, Wonder Works, an Aquarium, shows and so much more! The only problem we have is trying to select the options to visit this year with the grandchildren.
I hope all of you have a wonderful and patriotic Fourth of July!
I’ve had ANOTHER learning experience this week. With preparing my first book for publication this year I have had a lot of them lately. This week I uploaded my manuscript to Nook so people will have an option to buy a paperback on Amazon, or an ebook with either Kindle or Nook. Since I had a document prepared for Kindle I figured it would only take a couple of hours. Wrong. I can’t say it was difficult, just different. Now I have to remember all of it for the next book. I hope to publish my Novella, Blue Ridge Mountain Escape, in two to three months so be on the lookout. In the meantime check out the tab “Rebecca’s Works” to find buy links for “After The Reunion”.
Last week’s Summer Event sponsored by Lowcountry Romance Writers of America was a huge success.
Katharine Ashe, our spotlighted speaker provided lots of information and tips to new authors as well as established ones. Katharine is not only a bestselling author of Historical Romances but also a medieval history professor.
Historical Romance Author Katharine Ashe
Nina Bruhns, Entangled Editor, accepted the first page of manuscripts submitted by attendees. She read them and explained why she would or would not request a full manuscript if they had been submitted to her line. Very enlightening. Can I just say I’m re-writing my first page of my current work in progress?
Nina Bruhns, Entangled Editor
Maria Connor, writer and personal assistance to other writers explained various marketing techniques for authors. Her information should be used by self-published and traditionally published authors alike. The days are gone where an author depends on marketing by his/her publisher.
Today is a big day! As president of the Lowcountry Romance Writers of America I am attending the second annual Summer Writers Event. This year we have Katharine Ashe presenting “Writing the High Concept Novel”, Entangled editor Nina Bruhns accepting first pages of manuscripts to explain how an editor decides whether to ask for a full manuscript or reject it, and Maria Connor explaining about Marketing. I’ll take pictures and notes and fill you in next week.
Last week my granddaughter came for a visit without parents or sibling. We had a terrific time going to the beach, riding rides at an amusement park, swimming at her Aunt’s pool and best of all having a “grown up” tea party. We wore hats and boas — what fun!
Of course we’d had many, many make-believe tea parties before but this was her first real one. It turns out she really doesn’t like tea very much but that didn’t matter. She loved scones — perhaps it was the clotted cream. All in all she, her cousin, myself and a few other “grandmas” had a great time.
Last week was fabulous! I had my very first book signing at Just Because IYQ Tearoom, located in Garden City, SC. Lots of ladies who stopped in for lunch came by and chatted with me about my book. My critique group from the Carolina Forest Authors Club also dropped in to partake of the savory treats and discuss writing. I couldn’t imagine a better way to launch my first book.
A few days later I attended the May meeting of Lowcountry Romance Writers Association in Charleston, SC. This month we had a fabulous speaker, Nina Bruhns, and editor with Entangled Publishing. She discussed log lines and beat sheets from Blake Snyder’s book Save the Cat. It definitely made me think more about my current work in progress and how I can make it better.
We also discussed our June 11, 2016, Writing Event in Mount Pleasant, SC. Writers from all genres are invited. Please checkout the Lowcountry Romance Writers website for more details.
Last weekend I attended the Little River, SC, Blue Crab Festival as a first time vendor. What an exciting event. The perfect weather and great friends to share a booth with made it all the more pleasurable. We sold books and made a lot of new friends. We hope to see some new authors at our next Carolina Forest Authors Club meeting.
I’ve had a busy three months preparing my first book for publication. After the Reunion is the first book of a three book series called the Sons of Magnolia Meyers. All three books are set in and around Georgetown, SC.
In addition to writing book two of the series I am also working on a novella, Blue Ridge Mountain Escape. It will be available the summer of 2016.
I’ll be signing books at the Little River Blue Crab Festival in Little River, South Carolina, May 14-15, 2016. Stop by to visit.
A lot has happened since my last blog. I’ve sent my new book After the Reunion to the editor. It should be available for purchase by April 15, 2016. I’ll keep you posted as the process evolves.
In addition to finishing my book I also finished a short story for an Anthology titled To Whom The Flag Calls. It is a collection of stories written by a number of authors. The stories honor the men and women who’ve served in the military from World War II to the current day conflicts. The proceeds of the sales of this book will be donated to a charity supporting the active duty military and their families. The book will be available for purchase by May 1, 2016.
Now that I have those projects close to completion I’m working on a novella titled Blue Ridge Mountain Escape. It is another Romantic Suspense tale about a man and woman caught up in the trials of two bank robbers during their less than successful attempt to evade capture. I’ll be sharing more insights as the release date approaches.